this list is a work in progress and the only thing it reflects are the first seven releases i remembered (and really liked) this year. is that okay?
you can purchase each release via the link attached to the artist's name or check it out via the link attached to the album name (none of the links are mine... i just did a google search and in most cases it was the first link to come up)
in no order:
Oscar McClure - Compost +remixes

homeboy makes some pretty wild experimental hip hop beats. think about that... wild - experimental - hip hop. as if experimental wasn't enough... it's wild too. TRILL!
Polymer Slug - Simple Displays Of Control

just yesterday i got this in ze mail and already it has consumed my december. made with only his roland juno 60, young dunny gave them something to talk about... let's about love.
oOoOO - oOoOO

i don't know what's not to like about this... except for the stupid label you dringles are trying to give it. nothing against wicans - i mean, i like 'charmed' as much as the next teenage boy - but really, witch house? come on...
and it's pronounced "oh", jerks.
sleep ∞ over - sleep ∞ over

you know what they say about girl bands...
they all have ovaries. i said it.
no, but really, sleep over makes some pretty haunting music with melodies that stay in my head. i like those melodies there.
forest swords - dagger paths

beats, samples, guitars, drone-stuff... its pretty good. i like it. okay?!
the soft moon - the soft moon

there's something about san francisco bands im really drawn to. there's a certain mood/vibe. maybe because its something familiar... it just makes me feel a certain way. i can't explain it. GOOD ONE, dude. say something one more time.
tamaryn - the waves
my choice for album of the year.
another one of those san francisco bands that make me think i still live there. i love it.
and i didn't post a link to download this one. just take my word for and buy the album.