08 April 2008

people started dancing...

so i had to stop the party. maybe broadcast will make you people stop the gyrating.

i know, everyone probably has this album, but i was listening to it yesterday and thought... what if there was a person that has never heard of broadcast?
for those of you that fall into the "i've never heard of broadcast" category, expect a chilled out trippy late 50's/early 60's sound. Whe-wha WORD!

broadcast - work and non work


Anonymous said...

This is a fine album,which i have laying around in my collection ;)

Jordi Ballvé ... Make the change said...

Good day,

I have just discovered your blog and the truth is that I have liked it a lot. From this moment you already have a link in mine, and I wait for some visit of yours of time in when, with mine you can already recount.

An embrace and until soon

Shilzzz said...

i didn't have this, believe it or not. maybe i should have called debi.