10 October 2011

staying at the P's

decided to stay at my parents tonight. i waaas going to go home, but i fell asleep on the floor here and thought it would be better to just crash here the rest of the night... after this post, of course. the 35 minute drive home sucks when i'm tired and i want to avoid parking on the street as my car got keyed last night. i mean it's no big deal that there's a few scratches on my car... it's just a car. but that someone would do something like that bothers me. if you want to vandalize something, go tag walmart... the actual building. it's not like they (as a company) go to their parent's house to make bean burritos to last them the week because they're trying to save money for their best friend's wedding in Arizona. eff, people... EFF! i just bought that car too. and i don't care that it's a used Camry. i still worked a lot of hours.
i must be tired. i'm ranting something i didn't even think about two hours ago.

a block away from my parent's home is a studio i frequent to make music, get advice, play with synths, hang out with friends... STG SoundLabs. dude (suit and tie guy) makes modular synths and sells them to your favorite artists (i thought about name dropping here, but i'll refrain). homeboy also makes tunes. his recent recording is from a live show. i dig it a lot. PEACE out..

*you can download this whole set on the bandcamp site for free

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you.