she thought madlib was a genius, i'm like no.
me: YNQ (yesterday's new quintet) sounds like kenny g. it is really boring stuff.
the stupid teenage girl: If you think YNQ is mediocre I don't want to know what you think is good. Your comparision to Kenny G is a load of shit, if you're going to make deriding analogies, try to make them cogent. Madlib's beats are fine, and even if he had shit beats his rhymes are awesome. Yes I have sampled and made beats, I'm effing 17, of course I'm not on a label.
me: i don't remember exactly what i said, but it was something like: his beats are sloppy and he kind of sucks at sampling. then i tell her that i'm in D4L and i'm a millionaire producer that made the beat for 'laffy taffy'.
the stupid teenage girl: I've never heard of them, but I just sampled Laffy Taffy, it's complete shit and I'm not saying this with malicious intent. It's absurd how anyone can produce something so horrible and still have the gall to criticise Madlib, now it's impossible for me to take you seriously.
me: you are just mad that i'm making millions and madlib is only making thousands.
the stupid teenage girl: It's not a question of money but of quality, I don't care how much you're making considering the crap you've produced.
i said something else after that but i don't remember. this all took place on our lastfm comment box; i was able to see what she wrote, but i can't see what i wrote.
moral: don't take yourself too seriously on the internet
and here is a prize for reading this far: advance copy of madlib's
beat konducta 3: beat konducta in India 
i have yet to get a good listen to this, but from what i have heard.....it kind of sucks.
but if you like it, be sure to support the artist and pick-up this album when it comes out...or go buy a copy of quasimoto -
the unseen.