12 May 2013

bio pics

yesterday and today have been weird ones. the thought of moving back home is starting to sink in more and more - the thought of letting it become a reality is unsettling. i skyped with my ex (of two years ago) last night. she cried. girls never (at least she never did) tell you why they're crying. that's fine. i think i already knew. and maybe i didn't want to talk about it. there's a reason people break up (THREE TIMES)... and it's usually because they don't belong together. but shit, man, i've been over it for a loooooong time and don't want to have to deal with this kind of stuff. i like being friends, but that might not work. this is dumb and personal, but i need an outlet because my roommates are gone (one is in Dubai, the other is in illinois... the S is silent, guys) and the only being to keep me company is the dog. most likely, i probably won't talk to anyone til one of my roommates get back. changing subjects is easy. the original plan was to post broken social scene - feel good lost, but i got sidetracked this morning and listened to three do make say think albums. in 2004 i took a train to new mexico and listened to goodbye enemy airship the landlord is dead pretty much the whole way there and back. there was a troop of boyscouts on the train who apparently thought i was a musician from ny. kids are funny. i could probably type the rest of my life story, but i don't know you guys and doubt most of you would care to read about how unsmooth i am when it comes to trying to date... or how the one time i tried to approach a girl, i started choking on the water i was trying to drink and just walked away. i want adam goldberg or gael garcia bernal to play as me in my yet to be conceived bio pic. last year my old coworker (not my friend) payed me the biggest compliment and said i was like a mix of the two... thank you coworker. efffff, i ramble.

do make say think - goodbye enemy airship the landlord is dead

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