19 September 2011


whenever i play S.maharba at work my friend/co-worker, angel, asks what i'm playing... i'm like it's S.maharba. EVERY TIME. i told angel i would get it to her tonight (there's a birthday party tonight!) or upload it for her (because my CD burner is broken). here it is, S.maharba for all you guys too.
i guess i didn't really explain what S.maharba is. cool. i'm not going to. love you all. good night and happy partying.

s.maharba - s/t


angel. said...

i won't ask again.
thank you.

Yesoos said...

You're welcome, Angel dangel.

Unknown said...

this is my song. the first time i heard it i played it for like thirty minutes straight. i love it. i love it still. abrahams.

Yesoos said...

it's pretty perfect. that ish should be on an infinite loop.

i didn't even think "abrahams." silly me.