18 September 2011


people act surprised when i mentioned i was going to my grandfather's to watch boxing with my family last night. i'm a very calm person, but there is something about being physical i enjoy. maybe because i grew up with a family of boxers; my grandfather was a boxer, my uncles were boxers (one of them a golden gloves winner), my uncles'/grandfather's first cousin was ranked 7th in the world as a super featherweight, i watched my dad train on bags, they all took me to boxing matches before i was even in preschool... and so on and on and on... the point is i grew up around boxing and i want to feel unapologetic, BUT there is a part of me that feels like it's a bunch of shit for two people to act violent towards each other for sport. that part of me wants to balance out the testosterone drive that makes my fist clinch and hands clammy when i watch two athletes duke it out. that part of me is the same part that likes to chill out on the floor and listen to airy music and let my mind go.
last spring, sick in france, i was searching for the kind of music i could groove to on my back... acheron was what i found. realising there were only 25 cassettes of this made, i jumped on getting a copy to be waiting for me when i got back home. you guys don't have to wait. find a nice spot on the floor and don't think about things that make your hands sweat. space the eff out, people. peace.

acheron - september day fire
(TLWS) (label link)

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