29 June 2013

middle of things

fell asleep at midnight and woke up 45 minutes ago, light on, door open, mouth open, one sock on, coughing on my drool because i fell asleep on my back and my nose is stuffy (allergies have had their way for a few days now). there's a mosquito bugging the shit out of me and the dog is taking up the middle of the bed, snoring like she needs some type of apnea device. oh and it's hot in my room. but everything is okay, you know why? because the dog just crawled under my bed so i now have room for my legs. she doesn't like it when i play music when she's trying to sleep. it's my passive aggressive way of making the little shit move. like, i feel bad scooting her over, but i don't feel bad if she moves herself. i realize this attitude is shitty and being passive aggressive to a dog is even shittier, but like i said, it's hot in here and i can't sleep if she's all up on my legs being all warm. i hope it's not so hot under my bed. stay cool, little friend.

speaking of cool...


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