26 June 2013

dream things

the past couple of days my dreams have been pretty vivid. so vivid i don't remember if someone told me in real life or in my dream that i could see the craters on the super moon. i know i didn't see the craters while i was awake, but i do remember seeing them in my dream... which is problematic when trying to discern if the conversations really happened. funny how just typing that, i figured out what the dream was about (if dreams do actually mean anything). jung would probably shake my face for my parenthesis. i'd be like, "carl, chill. what's real anyway, carl? carl, am i awake? carl... carl, what's reality? carl, what's realty? how do i become a real estate agent, carl? is the housing market still on the decline, carl? how am i talking to you, carl? you were dead before my mom was alive. this is not possible, smart guy." then i'd wake up weirded out by dreaming about a blog post about dreams. this is my life, guys. i go crazy and you guys get music i like. i hope this deal works for everyone.

so instead of posting a zip file, i'm posting a couple of videos that caught my attention this morning. the first one is by soko and the second by binkbeats. peeep game, you all.


Haar Milch said...

i'm happy i found this blog. keep on.

Yesoos said...

hey, thank you!
i checked out your blog as well...
cool music and great ominous visuals!

Haar Milch said...

didn't know the word "omnious". great to know it now.