31 July 2019
Speaking of tired, that new 猫 シ Corp. & t e l e p a t h has been my sleeping aide these past few days, which automatically makes it onto my year end list.
10 May 2018
Infinite Love
this post has been in my drafts for a while now. and i'm still having a hard time coping with the loss. the night before Papa Tony died, i took the train to chicago b/c i had to get out and wanted to be around people. i found myself walking to a record store - i always feel at ease when i'm looking through records. while i was in line (buying a few dvds for class), my sister called, so i left reckless and stood under an awning trying not to break down. she put the phone on speaker so my grandpa could hear me and let me say my goodbyes. He couldn't speak, but he could hear me. i wanted to get off the phone so fast. i also wish i could have been there with my family while everyone said goodbye. it was weird being in a city full of people and feeling so alone. that's something i've always enjoyed about cities, but it was more this time.
something my grandpa and i shared was our love for jazz. i told my sister to play "in a sentimental mood" for Papa Tony that night she called. a while back i took that record from my grandpa's basement - it's the one jazz record i have of his.
11 January 2018
night drifts (pretty girls i used to know pt.2)
Nighttime Drifts (Pretty Girls I Used to Know pt.2) from yesoos
22 December 2017
Blogger, I can't quit you
What brought me to this point was a lot of thinking and creeping.
Speaking of creeping, you know what's funny about my most recent ex? I think she's mad about a tinder profile my roommates inundated onto me. I don't even want to date right now. I don't have time for that ish. Even if I did want to, there's no room to be angry when she was the one who ended things. It's weird how fast I got over her though. Of course, I still have love for her, but it's the kind of love I have for an old friend. My gut told me she wasn't right from the beginning. Did I listen though? No. And for that, I apologise to myself. My gut also told me tinder is wack af... deleted that ish with a quickness.
There's a moral here: Listen to your gut, every time. It'll tell you everything.
Chasing the moon from yesoos on 8tracks Radio.
02 March 2016
two in a day. cool.
i wrote this last night and just found out Kid Frost was diagnosed with cancer. i had some personal stuff in this post, but nothing i had to say is nowhere near as important as his battle. many blessings to Kid Frost.
01 March 2016
disappointments are a funny thing though. the only reason people get them is b/c of expectations. i used to date a girl who said she didn't have expectations from people other than herself... that way, she would live without disappointment - i didn't believe her. i just can't imagine not expecting. it's hard to not expect certain things out of the people you're closest to. even little things. i think it's fair to expect people to care about something you've worked hard at trying to build even if it doesn't interest them. but then again, if they care about you, it should interest them b/c it's something you made. every ounce of it is YOU. so why shouldn't they care about it, unless they really don't care about you. or maybe they're just too caught up in their own world. idk. sometimes people are selfish.
i try to show interest in letting my friends and family know i want them to succeed in what they love. from listening to what they have to say, reading their scripts, giving feedback on their music, listening to their monologues, down to the smallest notions of liking a post on facebook. i have a friend who runs a business crafting leather goods. he seems to really love it! i don't really buy leather products if i have a choice, but i try to show my support in any way i can. it's the most amazing thing when people have a dream and go for it. the older i get, the more i realize it takes the people around you to support your ideas and dreams even if it's not their thing. without their support, the starting point feels as dismal as the end game. MY POINT IS: support your loved ones in what they love. almost everyone has a dream. maybe they don't come out and say what their dream is b/c they're afraid of failure, but support their passions anyway. those passions are where their dreams hang out.
speaking of supporting your friends, here's some music my friend made. perfect for zoning out, yo!
22 February 2016
Time to find a new job
here's some piano music for when you're tired of complaining

ikotu - I II III IIII EP
15 February 2016
happy brandon boyd day
anyway, i'm hoping the rest of 34 feels like the past few days in the approach to this age. chill, fun, lovely... and a little bit of excitement from stealing a rose for my valentine. proflowers effed up my order, so i had to steal something. i don't feel bad about it.
so to keep me and everyone in that lovely, chill mode, i suggest Yoh the Shaolin's "Tales Over Tea." think 90's rap, meditative flows, and the best of vibes.

Yoh the Shaolin - Tales Over Tea
02 January 2016
just another day (in the neighborhood) - Queen Latifah.
consider devin malek your daily deodorant and keep your ears as far away from an aural onion. check the video and track right hurrr:
18 December 2015
yurrr end list
* submerse - gloom
* Kelela - rewind
* 99 SUBLIME - Moonspear - Hell Hounds
* Gantz - Spooky Action At A Distance
* Kali Uchis - Loner
* Gabe 'Nandez - Sifu
* Alina Baraz - Make You Feel
* Loaf Muzik - Percasets
* emune. - Abigail
* Shay Lia - One
so i'm sitting at some coffee shop in the chi on a wifi connection named notoriousthugs. i think it's tight. apparently the word "tight" isn't cool anymore. i don't give an eff though. you know, that happens when you're old - you start caring about that kind of stuff less and less. not that i stopped caring about being cool, b/c i definitely still care about cool... just not as much. just the other day i was shopping for sweat pants. wtf... sweat pants. i've never given a shits about sweat pants. didn't end up buying any, but the intention was there.
i think caffeine makes my hands sweaty. or maybe it's nerves. or both. been thinking a lot about school and how that's going to pan out. also been thinking about not working my job after december. it's a bit scary, but i like that there's a light at the end of this shitty job tunnel and another tunnel in the form of school in about a month. i hope i can find some nice sweatpants by the time classes start. going to be spending a lot of time trying to get comfortable while doing homework.
have some good holidays, you guys!
18 October 2015
... and all those ships
in other news, the homies from 99Sublime did some dope ish with this one
02 October 2015
the fall
past fall albums:
tamaryn "the waves"
interpol "turn on the bright lights"
ramona cordova "the boy who floated freely"
savath + savalas "folk songs for trains"
aphex twin "i care b/c you do"
milosh "you make me feel"
bob marley - (all of them)
you know what? i don't like when people "don't get" reggae. eff off
electric birds "gradations"
sam prekop self titled
that one devotchka album
animal collective "feels" + "prospect hummer"
grouper "dragging a dead dear up a hill"
(i guess fall isn't a hip hop season for me.)
but yeah, this year's fall album is a few years old:
rhye "woman"
3 days is so beautiful to me and so is this track:
also, it's fitting that the original title for "woman" was "the fall"
11 September 2015
perfect timing... but not really
now the fun part: here's a mix i made for a recent event. enjoy!

Various - Sabbath After Midnight
02 September 2015
i only sleep when i'm not supposed to
btw, lord apex has a new ep. it's cool.
(this is what i wanted to post last night, but i'm listening to this at the moment)
27 July 2015
my tabs
i'd love to share the other tabs on my browser and write little stories about them too, but "The psychology of the Mother-in-law" (but she's not even a mother in law. just a mad mother of a girl i date) would be a whole other blog full of airing grievances that i'm not willing to share here. besides, this is a music blog and you guys are here for music.
so i leave you here with a link of the acoustic set that's making me feel the way i do right now.
18 July 2015
ANYWAY, Emune has some serious skills in creating a mood out of what seems to be simple drum patterns and layered loops. don't let that fool you though, there's nothing simple about what emune does. his tracks build and go places most beat tapes fall short at. so guys, vibe out and enjoy the grooves.

emune - auras (bandcamp link to free download)
04 July 2015
happy the 4th of i've been working on a podcast
anyway, here are episodes 4 & 6 for that ace.
and again the itunes link to subscribe from there:
31 May 2015
thank you guys!
so i'm three episodes deep, with the latest ep featuring an interview with scott xylo. dude is growing into a beast of a beat maker. his latest track is full of the most chill vibes money can buy - money can't buy chill vibes, but it can buy you a website for your label and a place to host your podcasts. so that's what i did with the royalties i earned from making the beat for "laffy taffy." (i didn't really make that beat, but i lied about it once).
ANYWAY, peep game, guys.
here's the podcast:
on iTunes
and the label website:
13 March 2015
so, if you're reading this and have music you'd like to release (or have released already but would like in cassette form), please send it my way. i'm also going to start a podcast with mixes of stuff i'd typically post here, along with interviews of artists who i'm a fan of but could use a little more exposure. so don't be a scurred turd! link me your music at victor(dot)victrola(at)gmail(dot)com
29 December 2014
2014 B.O. (body odor)
just joking, guys. don't be nasty. but for real, i can't smell myself. i don't know how i smell. probably good.
my body odor has nothing to do with my top albums of 2014, but i'm going to post them anyway.
(in no order)
* Jonwayne - cassette on vinyl
* Confucius MC - the highest order
* Deru - 1979
* Miserable - dog days
* Federico Durand - el estanque esmeralda
* Michiru Aoyama - 暖かな季節 (warm season)
* Clap! Clap! - tayi bebba
* TOPS - picture you staring
* Delicate Features - the passenger
* Andy Stott - faith in strangers
* Miserable - dog days
and my favorite tracks from my favorite albums of 2014
various - 2014 B.O.
aaaaaaand a cool picture from my view at work (when it's nice out)

23 June 2014
there are a few things i want to post about right now, but won't. i don't think i like you guys enough. that should be apparent by my lack of posts. maybe we're just taking a break. i love you guys so much, i decided to set you free. jkjkjkjkjkjk.
in about an hour Mexico plays Croatia and i'm trying to think of where to go to watch the game (i'm in toronto right now). last world cup i was in paris watching the game with all my people by the eiffel tower. i love seeing everyone in a green jersey cheering for Mexico when at a place where there aren't a lot of Mexicans. i don't know why i don't have a green jersey yet. maybe b/c adidas made it ugly as eff for this wolrd cup. why are you trying to play us, adidas? i don't appreciate that chit. maybe also b/c a jersey is $90. i love my father's motherland, but not enough to spend $90 on an ugly jersey. i can buy a decent pair of jeans that i'll wear almost everyday for that amount of money. i can see myself being too embarrassed to wear some handcrafted bullshit adidas designed for more than as long as mexico plays. if these were the jerseys from last WC, i'd be down. for now i'll try to find a non official shirt that says mexico on it. or maybe i'll just stick with the keychain on my backpack (which only set me back 2/$5)... and it's not ugly. anyway, SI SE PEUDE!
i don't really know what to post. maybe since i saw run the jewels last night and can't really upload anything with this slow wifi, i'll post a link for that. it's not my favorite thing, but they put on a really good show.

run the jewels - pt.1 (just click "get it now" form the fools gold page)
24 April 2014
circa 2006
shout out to dj b. cause for being cool and one of the first people to have a conversation with me in a new city. shout out to Matthew Africa as well... he and b. cause made a super dope mix
After a quick google search i came across quite a few articles about Matthew Africa being no longer with us. the cool thing about music though... this stuff doesn't go away... and he left us with some really, REALLY great stuff.

matthew africa & dj b. cause - various - soul boulders vol. 1
my work clothes are fading, but i don't care b/c they're my work clothes
i was thinking about why i haven't posted in a while and came to the realization i had nothing i wanted to share or say. everything i want to talk about has to do with my job and i don't like talking about my job too much because i don't want to get in trouble with the company i work for. BUT i will say this: i work with some shitheads. not the good kind either. homophobic, racist, misogynistic b-holes. it makes me appreciate the people i used to work with a lot more. i mean, i liked the people i used to work with, but this new job puts so much perspective on how cool they are. (if you're reading this and i used to work with you, this isn't about you... i'll never think you're cool (joking)). i don't know man, work places are so weird. it's like everyone is a character. at my record store job, my manager was pretty much batman (love that dude and his superhero tendencies). we used to talk about fighting and martial arts and how to be ultimate warriors (although, i'd rather be an intimate warrior LOL). another coworker used to kick people out of the store by threatening them with a wood stick that had a nail sticking out of it (we used it to turn the air/heater on and off). another one used to think he was being slick by checking out the girls that walked by... till i started standing behind him saying "HEY!" so they'd turn around and see him. he stopped for a while after that. i roomed with another one... he was my bff. another one was part devil, but cool to talk about things with and play pool against. see man, those were some fun people to work with. the people i work with now, i keep at a safe distance. with the exception of one or two people... the rest are shitheads. NOT THE GOOD KIND.
anyway, i don't even know what album to post...
well, i kind of know what to post... i've been going through my cd collection and finding stuff that takes me back. so for the first of the nostalgic cd collection, i'm choosing pikachu... lol... i'm lame. no, but for real, qwel is the dude. especially when i was like 19 or 20. i remember being at scribble jam thinking i was having a conversation with him bc he was hanging out at the galapagos 4 table, but it was just some other dude. my friend told me it wasn't him. i felt stoooooopid.
but yeah, i bought this cd at scribble jam... HATED the first track... and i still do. track two is the shit though. skip track one if you're not a sucker. if you are a sucker, have fun being a sucker (enjoying something i couldn't... i hate you)

qwel - the rubber duckie experiment
15 February 2014
all my children
i realize i'm throwing myself a pity party, but i need this outlet b/c i don't know who else to complain to.
i should probably post my BO 5/5 list, but i don't want to right now. instead i'll post what i think is my favorite album of 2013. i say "i think" it's my favorite album of 2013, b/c i don't know. i just think it is.

kelela - cut 4 me
18 December 2013
it's okay not to dance
so the title to my blog is just a reminder that i don't have to dance to look stupid.
(eventually i did dance... a few years later with the influence of vodka + orange juice. that was a fun night. so the moral is: if you're going to look stupid dancing, drink a vodka + orange juice)
(but the REAL moral is: it's okay if you don't dance because your sister made a fool of you at the tender age of 5 when she convinced you to do an embarrassing dance in front of your parents for $5 and then didn't give you the money after)
so here's some music you don't have to dance to.

kuedo - severant
05 December 2013
today i told him a joke i thought he would get a kick out of:
Q - how do you make an eggroll?
A - you push it.
(i remembered it from a laffy taffy wrapper)
he didn't laugh really, but he individually told everyone we worked with... so i think he enjoyed the joke. i don't know... maybe he didn't get it at first. it's not really funny, but it's the kind of joke i can hear mike telling his future girlfriend's parents at dinner someday. i hope they laugh.
now for the music... if yoshimi battles(...) was a broadcast or stereolab record, secret angles would have been made way sooner. i wonder of mike would get a kick out of the name of this band...
cock & swan - secret angles
15 October 2013
lazy today
i'm posting something that isn't what i'm listening to right now, because what i'm listening to right now is a gloomy mix i made in the summer and i don't feel like sharing it with you turds (mostly i don't want to take the time to tag it properly and upload it). instead you guys will get something by arca. this is big speaker or headphone music btw... if you don't have either, i'd suggest closing this tab and listening to some cazytown "come my lady/come, come my lady." also, the track at 6:28 is my jam to play on my way to work. it hits.
you can download it from the download link on the embedded sound below:
28 September 2013
festive bummer is a good title
guys, i have a lot to write about, but i don't want to share what i want to write about. maybe i need more friends. i need my old friends back. but it's like they've all partnered off and then i moved away... and now that i'm back in IL, it's been hard to get back in the groove of hanging out with people who already have a routine with their significant other... which is why i've only been hanging out with one friend (but he likes to party a lot and i don't). guys, i'm feeling sorry for me right now and i don't want to be home tonight. is that okay? if you're still reading, i'm sorry, but i warned you, so i'm not that sorry. for your troubles, i'll offer you guys some advice for getting older: don't let your friends get into relationships if you don't feel like staying home on saturday nights. (I'M JOKING)
here's some real advice: eat good/cool foods and travel if you're going to hang out by yourself most of the time. it gives you something to post pictures about on instagram so people won't think you're a loser.
i keep forgetting to write about the music. well... i like this album quite a bit (especially tonight). i hope that's good enough.

mickey mickey rourke - festive bummer
18 September 2013
funk is a good word and fancy cars are for men older than me
at least there's always music. but really, i'm only posting this for one song... because the one song is pretty dope and i keep listening to it. if i had a fancy car, this is the song i'd ride to right now. there's a full moon tonight (even though it's cloudy and moon is hiding) and my anxiety is high and i feel like i need to stretch (but not literally stretch... it's hard to explain). oh, and my hair is doing its treasure troll thing today... even it's sad. lol.
alright, i'm going to watch some adventure time and lay on my bed till i fall asleep. goodnight.

slava - soft control
p.s. the dope track is #4
04 September 2013
no trains
ANYWAY, after this amazing post i'm going to watch a movie on my computer. because why would i go to the movies? i mean, i would like to go to the movies, but there is nothing i would go see by myself... it has to be something cool... or with someone i want to sit next to for a little over an hour... in which case, i don't care what the movie is (also known as: being excited about november (even though there won't be time for that)). oranges poranges, WHO CARES?
this one's for the moody BBs. "stay moody, my friends." - dos equis guy
(it's also for the sleepy BBs)

ensemble economique - fever logic
30 August 2013
important questions
seriously, all i want out of life right now is to be laying in my stupid bed. sleeping.
here's some stupid wake up music.
(it's not stupid music, but i think everything is stupid right now)

various - World Psychedelic Classics 3: Love's A Real Thing - The Funky Fuzzy Sounds Of West Africa
29 August 2013
to those of you who know me, i will not do an impression of lumpy for you. i'll either have to be really tired or under the influence of a few drinks (which doesn't happen often)... so don't ask... because it won't happen.
(i'm posting this track because it's cool and not in the zip file)

Yosi Horikawa - wandering ep
26 August 2013
some sisters have bad taste in stay home programming
speaking of staying home from school, i had to watch my nephew today... guess what we watched. adventure time, suckaaas. i'm pretty sure he didn't understand the jokes i was laughing at, but he laughed anyway.
i'm not really sure what music to post to go along with this. either something as depressing as david the gnome or something as cool as adventure time. maybe both? okay, both. the first one is the depressing david the gnome type release.

c. wolfe - p is b

d'flower - ep
24 August 2013
rhyming words / smelly tu _ _ s (fill in the blank)
i was eating with my mom and sister earlier and we were talking about me and how i was when i was really young... like when i was a baby up till i was 6 or 7. i told my little sister the story about how i hated my pre school teacher because she yelled at me for not thinking cat rhymed with cat. technically it does rhyme, but what the eff?! get off my shit, man. who rhymes the same words and thinks it's okay? i didn't even think it was okay when i was 4. Mrs. Connor, i hope you're not such a lame anymore. you were the only teacher to make me cry and feel stupid.

machinedrum - (rhymes with connor's dumb)
music post
it's pretty good. i like track 3, 7, and 10 the most. (i skip track4)
really, i just wanted to post this because i finally listened to it and liked it.
i suppose i should say something about something about my life. well... i took a drug test for a new job today. i accidentally peed on my hand. it was warm. unless the generic fruit loops i've been eating have drugs in them, i passed. (someone congratulate me!)

forest swords - (the new one )
23 August 2013
gawd (edited from gahd)
i guess i should post something from north america's hat. you're not welcome.

babe rainbow - shaved ep
18 August 2013
cool vs cold
i can't stress that enough.
i feel like master p right now. but i'm not a retired rapper... or even a rapper. it's weird to think about hip hop aging. it's like it didn't know it got old. or maybe it did, but it doesn't care because every phase of it's life has been cool to the cool kids... including it's midlife crisis years (1998-2000something). so it's more like that old guy who you know is old but is still cooler than you. (this isn't a metaphor for me by the way... i'm not 40 and i don't think i'm that cool).
but back to my frustrations. no matter how honest you are, you're not going to please everyone. i'd like to think i'm not as cold i was made to feel tonight, but i don't know. see that? i may not be old and cool, but i might be old and cold. and "what's cooler than cool?... ICE COLD." - andre 3000
the music is from a post i took down a few days ago. it's still relevant.

clap! clap! - gwidingwi dema

wreck and reference - black cassette
16 August 2013
there's so much i want to say, but i'll wait to say it to you. just two things i want you to know right now: i hate you for turning me into a sap turd. the other thing is, you really do make me so happy.

skywave - echodrone
p.s. happy birthday!!! :)))))
p.p.s. thank you for this album
15 August 2013
(i'll probably try to fall asleep to this)

michiru aoyama - 音は光る (the sound is shining)
12 August 2013
$5 worth
this is probably why i hate you all (but not really).
(i can remember a story from when i was 6, but i can't remember if i've posted this album already. also, i don't like track one... don't let that deter you from the rest of the album)

beak - >>
09 August 2013
no ifs
woke up with the same sigh i went to bed with (i'll probably go back to bed in a minute b/c it's way too early to be awake). that's all i really have to say. well, that's not true... i have so much to say about the sigh i'm posting about but i'm choosing to leave it at that because maybe i feel optimistic things will turn out the way i want and i'd rather not jinx anything (even though i don't think it would be jinxed... and i just feel embarrassed about being a daydreaming 12 year old because i try to keep my cool but can't).

elvis depressedly - holo pleasures
(bandcamp link)
07 August 2013
a post about nothing with music i think i've already posted
my mom is playing candy crush, my dad is watching honey boo boo (or whatever it's called), little sister is on her phone looking at one direction pictures on instagram. she doesn't know i can see what she's looking at. i'll stop looking... i don't want to turn into my mom... trying to look at my computer screen to see what i'm doing or who i'm talking to. it makes looking at tumblr nearly impossible. if she saw a boob or a butt on my screen... oh man. i like how google chrome is cool with the way tumblr is spelled but isn't about to let someone type instagram without a red line underneath. you know what else is cool? i'm really tired at 10pm and i'm trying to type this and it's going to be all loopy and stupid and just me giving a play by play of the day (maybe).
still haven't figured out what i'm wearing tomorrow, but i have potential interview clothes in the wash, so i can't go to sleep yet. why the eff am i writing about nothing?
here's some music for wanting to sleep but you can't because you need to throw your clothes in the dryer. it's nice to dream about dreaming.

clickits - s/t
la última empanada
something-something-metaphor about scooping out the vanilla pudding from the empanada because it grosses me out.
here's some music because i don't really hate you at all.
(this terrible post isn't my fault. i got made fun of today about my writing style/format for this blog, so i'm doing this because it was really funny to me and because i'm a hater sometimes. if i ever can't blog here, expect a shithead to blog in my place. also expect shitty posts like this one... but also expect good music)

narvu. - shocka.
31 July 2013
told you i'd see you suckers later
from turds to turd, one of the things i very much enjoyed about being here is really getting to know someone i consider a supreme turd - a really ~cool~, funny, nice, cute, and awesome person who puts bees in my stomach and makes my chest pound. funny how i moved out here and got to know someone who lives in a place where the accents are funny, eh. universe, you're a funny and weird thing. but you're also an awesome thing.
i'm posting white heaven's "out" because peace out and because supreme turds have great taste in music.

white heaven - out
p.s. the title track is a jam
28 July 2013
realized i don't like drinking wine by myself. also realized i don't like drinking wine. it doesn't taste good and i'd rather eat candy.
my roommates were supposed to take me out to eat tonight, but that didn't happen. probably a good thing. i don't have the money to go out and i talk too much about them for them to be nice to me now.
what else... i leave in a week. goodbye california.
seriously, this wine tastes like vomit. the dog and i have something in common (we both have shit in our mouth).
this is how cool i am, you guys. it's saturday.

various - in lieu of cool pt.2
1. noir. - The Penthouse (Prod. fLako)
2. Slum Village - untitled (fantastic)
3. Swerve & SYG - SYG - Love.Sent.Delivered (LSD) (prod. Gloam)
4. Chuuwee - Navigation(Prod. By Pete Pine)
5. Chuuwee - Post-Mortem
6. Flamingosis - Euphoric (One For Knx)
7. Evan Holt - The Guitone Ft. Chuuwee(prod.whoarei)
8. Lee Bannon & Chuuwee - Feet Deep Part 1
9. Ras Nebyu - Washington Slizzards
10. Joey Bada$$ - 95 Til' Infinity [Prod. By Lee Bannon]
11. Kazi - Average
12. Blaise B. & Jay Kubes - Mad World
27 July 2013
liking to not give a shi...care
i look forward to going home (so i can tell my parents i blame them for everything wrong with my life (joking)). i just need some distractions and human interactions. side note: did i ever mention getting really annoyed with having a roommate who doesn't shut up? times like these i would just go for a walk or something. there were times at my old job i would do that. i remember getting really pissed off because my co-worker didn't want me to play rap. the truth is, that was only part of the reason i was pissed off. i was really trying to distract myself with a feeling and trying to not giving a shit about it. my (ex)girlfriend was living in paris and we were fighting about something and i took it out on my co-worker for not letting me play some hip hop. anyway, i went for a walk because i was being a baby. it's just nice to see people and not have to talk them (the record store i worked at is by a college campus and there were always people around). i swear i'm not a grump though. just don't tell me i can't play rap. YOU GOT THAT!? let me play hip hop and everything will be okay. i promise.
here's some "i don't give a care" rap for you guys. and since demos are raw as eff, what i'm posting will help you guys not give an efff about anything for the few next weeks.

outsidaz - demo
23 July 2013
i have enough toes and roommates
so i'm definitely going to fall asleep before i figure out what music to post. the roommate went to sleep and the dog is resting her head on my arm as i type (and it's making me very relaxed).
i don't remember if i've posted this already, but whatever, right? it's relevant.

king krule - s/t
17 July 2013
luckily, i'm not obligated to post what i'm listening to. so here's some cold-wave stuff i enjoy... because my roommates think i'm part goth (i know this isn't goth, but to them it is).

black marble - a different arrangement
science of sleep things
for those that aren't cleaning up after goat-dogs and want some sleep, here you go. i probably hate you for sleeping, but not really... i don't hate anyone.

jürgen müller - science of the sea
16 July 2013
thank you room.
thank you door that closes
and thank you, cool music
without you i wouldn't have something to link.

motion sickness of time travel - luminaries & synastry